Do not show your bitterness and disappointment to the people of the company you work to. Anyone needs to care about your own problems and might not realise that you are angry or upset and have a plan for a good revenge. This plan is based on strategies and guidelines that will drive you to success.
Remember that your anger should turn into future career success, because it is a converter and a springboard for your final ascent. Evil can never win (cliché, but it is quite true)! In addition to preserving your image to the people of the company, make-up feelings that will help develop your self-control and think well if is right or whether the problem is yourself.
Anger is a dangerous disease that often undermine the person's inner and outer part time, or it can be contained for a long time and "overflow" suddenly. There are several factors that contribute to the emergence / increase in anger. The bruised ego, envy, the unfulfilled desires and the offenses finally. We can feel that when a desire or goals are not reached.
After that feeling of protest, anger causes insecurity, shyness or frustration in people. So it must be combated and treated with great caution not to interfere in the personal and professional development of human beings. The angry person does not have the necessary and end up contributing to the boycott of the company's strategies.
The virtues and the good feelings should contribute you getting better days. A good ambition must be part of our daily lives, we should seek nice things and promotions. It is hypocritical to wonder you need to bring down someone to reach the pinnacle of success. Do not show inferiority ever.
Some people think can beat the others by fatigue and promoting oral torture sessions with blows and insults. Those attitudes are irrefutable evidence of desperation and incompetence. Therefore, the time to show your talent will come, just follow the strategies to make it happen and always acting with caution not to lose the reason.
Hold back and don’t say unnecessary junk to anyone - your words may come back to you and serve as a powerful weapon to his rival (especially if you say something stupid and the person is above you). Count to ten, breathe deeply and stay quiet if you do not have a reasonable response. That's right! It will only respond if you have an answer worthy of a winner.
Sometimes, silence can be your ally to take time to think in a rematch. Remember those yoga classes you joined and learned how to control breathing, butterflies in a garden, a refreshing waterfall in a warm day or the sunset on the summer. Relax! Make no mistakes in the process of personal and professional upheaval.
Imagine being rewarded by moments of stress, receiving an award or being praised in public by a client - after all, customer satisfaction is what matters.
Your professional success will bring it to you within a short period of time not far from happening. You're trying to do because your are exercising one of the greatest virtues of humanity: the patience with other creatures.
A good strategist expects the right time to attack the danger zone and this has become a major threat to who knows what really wants. When the enemy does not see any movement on the other side may have two thoughts: at first it won’t happen a further attack. The second is awaiting a rematch with height (do not think you will not have the ability to fight back the time).
Instead of war, surprise them with acts of peace and love. There is even a foolproof tactic to disarm any enemy, send flowers on their birthday or on special dates. No one will resist your charms thereafter. Also, e-mail them praising the conduct of the sector or congratulating on the completion of a project.
Everyone knows that grudges can cause cancer and other ailments and you do not want to fail at that point. Go ahead and do not waste your time.
Luiz Gabriel Tiago
All a pleasant day. Who is a fan of Barcelona?